Bang Bang Power Plus Tablets are a male enhancement supplement that contains 150mg of male silk moth extract, 120mg of semen cuscutae extract, and 110mg of cistanche deserticola extract. These ingredients are intended to increase the active amount of the male hormone resistance, maximize blood flow to the male sex organ for longer and stronger erectile growth, and improve impotence. The tablets are to be taken 1-2 times each time, 1.5-3 hours before activity. They can be chewed for quicker absorption. Bang Bang Power Plus Tablets have not been evaluated by the Medicines Control Council and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Keep out of reach of children.
Bring Your Power Back
Male Silk Moth Extract 150mg
Semen Cuscutae Extract 120mg
Cistanche Deserticola Extract 110mg
Impotence aid
To increase the active amount of the male hormone resistance
To maximize blood flow to the male sex organ for longer and stronger erectile growth
Dosage and Directions:
1-2 Tablets each time, 1.5 - 3 hours before activity.
You can chew the tablet for quicker absorption.
This medicine has not been evaluated by the Medicines Control Council.
This medicine is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Keep out of reach of children.
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